1. good: I am a self-professed weirdo when it comes to my 5 am workouts. I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to the endorphins and absolutely hate to skip a day (in fact, I've probably only skipped a handful of days in the last several years, always followed by great regret). So, the local media hoopla about 18-20" of snow hitting hard right when we normally leave the house for the gym left me nervous and anxious. Well, when I awoke this morning, the roads were barely covered and it hardly had snowed at all. We got to the gym just fine, had a good spin, and came out to find that the snowstorm was just beginning in earnest.
2. better: both my Beloved and I came home to messages that our places of employment were going to be closed! DH was, and I quote, "bitterly disappointed" that we hadn't gotten much snow in the am - he was trying not to get his hopes up, but how can one not when the thought of a grown-up snow day may be at hand? Well, his wishes were granted!
Mine was totally unexpected. The owner of the shop is an intrepid soul and can't remember if she ever closed due to the weather. Living just 1.5 miles away, I fully planned on being there, too. Snowy days at a yarn store can be rather cozy and we do get some brave customers trudging in on foot looking for that one extra skein of yarn, a replacement to a missing needle, or even a whole new project to pass the day with. And, with our big sale this weekend, there's always something to do! When she called, though, my feet began the Dance of Glee - sure, being at a yarn store when it is snowing and blowing is fine, but it definitely can't beat being home with my own knitting and my Beloved, to boot.
3. best: Lots of knitting has been done! I started the day on the front of the Jack cabled sweater which is now beyond the armhole shaping and cruising quickly up to the neck. I've just switched over to modifying a very simple yet extremely wearable mock turtleneck sweater I made last

So, emboldened by my successful and relatively painless modifications to the High Neck Cable sleeves, I pulled out the scissors and snipped away:

I plan on adding about an inch or so to the overall length of the sleeve and re-doing the ribbing on a smaller needle. That should do the trick nicely.
To end, here's a photo out of our living room window at about 10:30 am - I was thinking that this still may be all hype. Sure, it was snowing and it was windy, but it still didn't seem to bad.

I was wrong - here's another photo about 90 minutes later. There is another side of the street out there, somewhere!

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