pleth·o·ra /ˈplɛθərə/
1. overabundance; excess: a plethora of advice and a paucity of assistance.
2. the number of sweaters Ewe Little Dickens wants to start and knit RIGHT NOW!
Normally, I'm not a spring sweater person. I love fall and winter and, accordingly, fall and winter knits are my favorite. Give me a good, Shetland wool over cotton any day! This year, though, the spring yarns and patterns are wonderfully tempting...could it be that this long, cold, and snowy winter is getting the better of even me?
In addition to the two spring sweaters in the queue already, several have cropped up lately that have caught my eye and for which I already have yarn that would work. First off, there's the neat little cardigan from the spring issue of Interweave:

I can always find something I adore from RYC and this year is no different. There are a few from their latest pattern collection, but I think the "Bubble" cardigan is downright sweet:

Then, while cruising around the free patterns I've downloaded this past year, I re-acquainted myself with the "Isabella" vest from Knitty:

This is getting downright silly.
Finally, there's the Lacy Cardigan from Classic Elite:

I'm progressing quite nicely on the sleeves to the ultra cuddly, ultra wintry Jack cabled pullover. But, with the spate of bad winter weather we've had of late, the call of these Spring Lovelies has been intense. What's a knitter to do? Cast one on, of course:

I at least stuck with the original plan of starting Sweet William next. It's already proving to be a nice little distraction and the 6-row stitch pattern is just what I needed lately - different enough to keep my interest, but easy enough to memorize. The 6th row is where the magic all happens with cabling all the way much so that I'm cabling without a cable needle which really speeds things along!
1 comment:
Lovely sweaters all of them! I don't know that I would be able to decide either.
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