I started to feel close to 85% by Tuesday evening, but was still enjoying my "cocooning" in bed - rather than sitting in the living room in the evening after work, I continued to get all cozy and cuddly in the bedroom, eating my dinner on a tray, and carrying my knitting along with me. I was still falling asleep before 8 p.m. every night, but getting later each day.
Wednesday night was no different and downright hilarious. I've been working on "Sweet William" through all of this. It was perfect: enough to keep my mind off the nausea, but mindless enough for me to work through being a bit tired and queasy. I was almost back to my regular bedtime on Wednesday and on the one row in the 6-row repeat that calls for any attention - the cable row that I'm doing without a cable needle. I must have dozed off 4 or 5 times while doing this one row, sometimes in mid-stitch, but always - upon awakening - telling myself, "I can finish the row", "I'm awake now", "Just a little bit more". HA!
With my little sleep sessions, I think it took me a good 20 minutes to get across the row of 124 stitches. By the time I was finally done, I was too bleary-eyed and simply bemused with my sleep knitting to accurately determine if any serious mistakes had happened while I multi-tasked (aka sleeping and knitting at the same time). When morning came, I realized - chuckling to myself - that there were whole stretches of the row that weren't cabled at all, some that were. I guess it could have been worse!
I sometimes take an aspirin with a mild sleep agent, like Excedrin PM, to ease my intermittent insomnia. I guess I should read the warning label before I take one in the future: