The pattern and general instructions to the Selbuvotter mittens and gloves still kind of bugs me. There are tons of errors (as pointed out by the members of the Selbuvotter ravelry group) and the general instructions in the book are so vague. Even though I did receive a rather cryptic message from the author regarding the pattern mistakes on my first Selbu gloves, I just haven't worked on them much since dividing up for the fingers. I even re-charted everything so it made sense, but there was just too much bad knitting ju ju there for me to pick them up again.
Still, stranded knitting is so good for the soul and I enjoyed working on them quite a bit until the fingers. But, alas, there was my poor glove...gathering wooly dust in my WIP basket and me suffering little pangs of guilt when I glanced at it.
So, this weekend, I re-purposed the glove. I ripped it all out and began a Selbu mitten instead. I've heard from fellow Selbu fans that there tends to be less ambiguity and fewer errors with the mitten patterns. I chose the NHM#7 design. Here are the hand and palm (with thumb gusset) sides of the first mitten:

Is it a perfect pattern? No...course not (there is a mistake in the number of stitches for the thumb, but the author now has an errata sheet on the Selbuvotter webpage), but it is definitely better and I'm glad to be knitting away on them.
Thank you so much for the heads up on that book, I was thinking about ordering it, but if they published it without even seeing if the patterns work .... no, I do NOT need that kind of grief. Like thousands of others, I don't belong to the Gated Community of ravelry, so I had NO idea there were problems with the patterns -- knitters aren't updating their PUBLIC blogs too much anymore, they're too busy with the Gated Community. I thank YOU, again, for sharing.
Well, Anonymous, the one good thing from Ravelry is that it did make the author put together a complete errata ( - you have to admit, though, the tradition is a glorious one and the designs beautiful and I'm glad that they are finally getting some limelight!
The mittens are lovely. Your tension looks very even. Great job
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