Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'm dreaming

of a White Thanksgiving, and I got one.

Instead of going to the gym on Thanksgiving morning (a very rare decision these last 3-4 rare, in fact, that I can probably count the days not at the gym during this time frame on one hand and a decision I always regret. You'd think I'd learn...), DH and I went for a brisk and chilly (28 degrees with a stiff NW wind) 1 hour tromp through Shorewood.

I love the snow on top of the Halloween decorations:

And, while I think it is way too early to have Christmas decorations up, you have to admit it is pretty:
Sorry for the blur, but my big woolly mittens really prevented me from getting these shots in focus!

This photo doesn't do the snow on these beautiful burgundy leaves justice:

I certainly hope this early snow is a harbinger of our winter to come!

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