The pattern is Annemor #8 and it is simply lovely in Louet Gems Merino. I had to stop last night, nearly in tears, 'cause I just couldn't make sense of the directions going forward dividing for the fingers. It just didn't seem to make sense and I tried it a couple of different ways - adding to my general confusion was that the instructions were different in the two places referencing the finger division. I joined the Selbuvotter group on Ravelry and posted my questions. It is moderated by the author, so I'm hoping she'll be able to shed some light on the matter!
I hope someone responds soon.
It's been about 12 hours.
Yes, I'm watching the clock. I do have a sweater project in the works but my heart really wants to get back to my glove.
We had a great snow on Friday that started at 9 am and went until about 6 pm, falling gently but steadily the whole time. Not too cold, no wind, just beautiful, wet snow...some 6" or so. It clung to everything, and with no wind overnight, it was still there Saturday morning. Here's the view from our living room (DH's first real pictures! Not bad, eh?)

Even this morning, the snow was still perched on branches and telephone wires.

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