Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Excuse me?

Ok, so I had a linguistic rant about Troy Aikman's complete and utter mis-use of the English language back in December. I hadn't heard any major offenses since then 'til this morning when - while watching ESPN's SportsCenter during my a.m. workout - when I overheard one of the Final Four coaches (I think it was Kansas) - actually say in reference to the upcoming game this weekend:

"We are apprehenseful."

I thought we had a perfectly good word already with apprehensive.

That's just downright embarrassing - especially for someone who is supposedly representing a place of higher learning.


Anonymous said...

It's sad, isn't it?

I remember a professor telling me about a commercial he had seen for some hospital. It went like this:

"We treat the heart and the neurosciences."

I wasn't aware the neurosciences had a problem that needed treatment at a hospital.

Max said...
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PaulaRed said...

when my daughter was 5 years old, she came home from school, plopped onto the couch and announced that she was "exhausperated". We laughed, and I have found that "word" useful over the years--there really isn't another word for that combination of feelings! But apprehensful? I don't think so.

Nancy said...

It probably doesn't help to note that at least "apprehensful" is better than "misunderestimate"... no, no... that just makes me more depressed.

Maybe this will elicit some laughs?