As mentioned in the last post, I wasn't happy with the neck and the button bands. I felt that they ruffled out a bit too much, so I took them out and knit them with fewer stitches. Fresh off the needles, I was much happier with the result...until I donned it on Saturday for its debut. They still ruffled out. Truly, not nearly as obvious as before, but I just wasn't comfortable with the sweater all day, despite appreciated assurances by the DH, friends, customers, and customers who are becoming friends. Sadly, though, as soon as they left the store, so did my feeling good about the Tangled Yoke.
The bands and the yoke itself are going in for a more intense blocking tomorrow and my truly wonderful boss thinks that that will do the trick. I hope so. At this point, I am very seriously considering redoing the whole sweater, this time as a pullover a la The Rainey Sisters (can we say "brilliant!"). I should just not do cardigans. I am rarely satisfied with the bands and do reach for pullovers more often, anyway. We'll see...
I'm feeling pretty down on myself as a knitter yesterday and today. I had high hopes for this project and I'm so awfully sad that I'm not thrilled with it.
In other knitting news, I'm making slowish progress on the High Neck Cable sweater. The body is complete up to the armholes.
Just like the Tangled Yoke Cardigan, the sleeves are knit, then attached to the body and the whole sweater then knit in the round to the end. I LOVE not having to set in sleeves. I can't tell you how often I have to deal with those Terrible Perfectionist Tendencies when setting in sleeves!

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