And so, for now, I'll leave you with this marvelous cartoon my BH found for me by natalie dee:

Not much else to report, I'm afraid, other than I'm having a good and busy time at my new spot (lawdy how the week flew by) and looking forward to the beginning of football season! I set the stage this morning by watching an online replay of the 2008 Orange Bowl (with commentary by Barry Alvarez) and the Colts will be playing in the Hall of Fame Game tonight. Don't get me started on the Packers and whatsisname's hoped-for comeback. If I were to be at a game in which he appeared, I'd be one of the hopefully not-too-few booing him. I thought he was a great quarterback, but - cripe - does this make him look like a money-grubbing diva. I never idolized him like some oddballs who were in tears the day he announced his "retirement" and I did think it was time for him to move on. But now, unfortunately, I think I will always think of this quagmire - rather than all of the great things he did for the Pack. It's great that he apparently loves the game so but I'm thinking he likes the glory and the press coverage even more...despite his, in my opinion, well-practiced persona.